Year at a Glance for
Timeline for WGSS Graduates
Considering Post-Secondary Study
July and August (after Graduation)
September (after Graduation)
November (after Graduation)
Considering Post-Secondary Study
- Grad Newsletter: Ensure that the main office has your e-mail address so you and your parent will be receiving the WGSS Grad Newsletter and other important Grad related e-mails
- WGSS Careers: Join Join this Instagram account, which is managed by our Careers department, to learn about upcoming opportunities and events
- GatorFutures Twitter: Join @GatorFutures to receive up-dates on career, post-secondary opportunities and scholarship information
- High School Grad Requirement: Be sure you meet BC graduation requirements. See your counsellor if you have ANY questions. Ministry Graduation Requirements. Additional information is available in the Graduation Section of the WGSS Counselling & Careers Website.
- Canadian Post-Secondary Entrance Requirements: Spend time checking that you have the correct high school courses needed for the post-secondary institution(s) or program you are considering. There are both ‘general entrance requirements’ (e.g. whether or not a language 11 is needed or minimum 70% in academic Math) and ‘specific entrance requirement’ (e.g. English 12 plus Pre-Cal 12 and at least one science 12 for a B.Sc. program at UBC). Use either: or as a starting place but then be sure to go to the specific post-secondary sites to verify the information (Canada: Post-Secondary Section of the WGSS Counselling & Careers Website)
- US Entrance Requirements: If you are considering attending an American institution, you need to be aware that they need to have your completed application by early December. You will need to check if you are required to have taken either the SAT or the ACT assessment as part of your application. A number of institutions have waived this requirement for the 2022-2023 academic year Considerable information is available at the Studying in the USA Section of the WGSS Counselling & Careers Website under the Post-Secondary heading.
- SAT Exam: Register for the SAT ( [or ACT (] if it is required for application for the US post-secondary institution or if it is required for an NCAA or NCIA school on a sports scholarship. WGSS’s school code is 821-161.
- PSAT Exam: The PSAT is a standardized test which provides first-hand practice for the SAT. It is offered every fall by R.E. Mountain Secondary School. Students register before the last week of September by pay through the SchoolCashOnLine and let a member of the WGSS counselling team know that they have applied. There is limited space. The test date is generally a Wednesday in mid-October. The test starts at 3:30. Students generally write the PSAT in Gr. 10 and/or 11.
- Language Challenge Exam: Students who came to Canada before completing Grade 9 and who cannot claim Grade 11 and/or 12 External Language Credit are encouraged to consider taking the Language Challenge Exam. The Delta School District, offers students the opportunity to write Language Challenge Exams. For additional information, see the “Language Challenge Exam Section” of the WGSS Counselling & Careers Website or speak to a counsellor. Students must register through WGSS/Langley District by the first week in October to write this exam. The exam takes place at the end of January in Delta.
- Scholarships: The District Scholarship Handbook has important information for all students interested in applying for scholarships. The District Scholarship Website has a searchable database. This website is accessible through the WGSS Counselling & Careers Website – Scholarship Section. There will be a Scholarship Information Meeting for Gr. 12 students in mid-September. Student will learn about the application process for the high achievement national leadership awards which require school nomination (TD Leadership Award; U of T National Book Award, Western U) and also the BC scholarships that require school nomination (BC Excellence; Cmolik). All students interested in applying for scholarships, should begin preparing the following documents:
- Comprehensive Resume (sample in District Scholarship Handbook)
- Personal Profile (sample in District Scholarship Handbook)
- Scholarship Spreadsheet (sample on District Scholarship Website)
- Draft Essay (information on District Scholarship Website)
- Request Letters of Reference (form available on the District Scholarship Website – Forms Section)
- UBC Virtual Information Session: UBC will be doing a virtual information session for WGSS Families on Monday, September 27 from 6:00 – 7:00 pm. The link for this presentation will be provided through Grad News and Instagram.
- SFU Virtual Information Session: SFU has tentatively planned two virtual events for all Langley students: Wednesday, October 20 from 5:00 – 6:00 pm and Friday, November 12 from 1:00 – 2:00 pm
- C.U.E. in Langley: The Canadian University Event of BC is a consortium of approximately 50 post-secondary institutions from across Canada. Once again this year C.U.E. will be hosting a virtual fair. There will be live-virtual events which are structured as drop-ins for all attending institutions on: September 27-30, October 2,4, and 5 ( Watch the Grad Newsletter and @GatorFutures for additional information.
- S.I.N.: Many scholarship applications ask you to include your Social Insurance Number. when you claim the award. If you do not already have a Social Insurance Number, you should apply for a S.I.N. before December. Apply for S.I.N.
- Post-Secondary Plans:
- Carefully review the program options for the 2-4 institutions you are considering attending
- Make a list of the requirements and deadlines (e.g. high school courses and marks, essay, etc.)
- Note the dates/times of information sessions about your program or virtual (or in-person) events at the institution
- Tentatively decide when you (and your parents) will speak to an advisor and/or visit the institution.
- The WGSS Counselling & Careers Website – Post-Secondary Section has direct links to institutions in the BC Colleges/Universities Section or to other Canadian Universities Section
- Applications: A number of post-secondary institutions allow you to apply for their programs on or before Oct. 1 (e.g. UBC, UVIC, BCIT, UNBC, SFU, UFV, TRU, TWU, Douglas, McGill, U of Toronto, etc.). You can create an account to apply to BC public Institutions through: (Alberta and Ontario have similar application services)
- Limited Enrolment Programs – KPU and UFV applications open on October 1. Some limited enrollment programs fill within the first couple of days; nursing often is filled within the first hour.
- October 1 is the date that BCIT allows students to submit their online application and transcript. Many of BCIT’s programs fill on a first-qualified first-accepted basis; once the available spaces are filled, all other applicants will be on a waitlist. Students applying to BCIT should have requested a PDF of their unofficial record of marks from the counselling department before October 1 so the morning the portal opens for applications, students can upload their marks with their application.
- Ontario Institutions – e.g. Queen’s or U of T strongly encourage students to have applied for admission before November 20th.
- PSIBC Tour: PSIBC is a consortium of approximately 30 BC Post-Secondary. This year BC post-secondary institutions will not be doing individual school visits (or fairs). Instead, the Fall 2021 Virtual PSBC tour will consist of times for presentations and the ability for students to connect directly with university reps and recruiters. The fair will be available for 7 days 9:00 am until 7:00 pm October 7, October 19, November 3, November 9, November 18, December 1, and December 7. Families can sign-up through this the PSBC Website. Participants will have an opportunity to double-check important information about eligibility and to receive program up-dates. NOTE: In the past, UBC has not participate in this event. The PSIBC website will advertise other open house and visit day opportunities:
- Grad Info + PSI Info: Capstone teachers will be providing their students with information on how to check graduation credits and apply to universities/colleges, and help students create an account with the Student Transcript Service. The WGSS Counselling and Careers Website - Transcript also has a PowerPoint and Help Videos which walk students through the steps of setting up an account.
- Parent Information: Parents can review the Grade 11 and 12 presentations which are posted in the Post-Secondary – Presentation Section of the WGSS Counselling and Careers Website.
- Scholarships:
- Students are encouraged to keep checking the District Scholarship Database for information about scholarships they may wish to apply for: District Scholarship Database
- Unlock Your Future – Brittany Palmer is a recognized leader in the Lower Mainland who assists students and their parents with the scholarship application process.
- GrantMe – Madison Guy, Brookswood Secondary graduate (and UBC Saunder School of Business graduate) started GrantMe – a scholarship service to assist Canadian students.
- StudentTranscriptService – is a Ministry of Education website which allows students to order transcripts
- All Grade 12 students must create a BCeID account. Capstone Teachers will work with students on how to do this during Capstone classes.
- Once students have an account, they are able to indicate to the Ministry of Education which institutions they have submitted an application to attend in September. Interim grades will be available to post-secondary institutions in BC and Ontario in May and final transcripts will be send to those institutions indicated through the StudentTranscriptService at the end of July. It is each student’s responsibility to indicate their choice on the STS site by May 1. See a counsellor if you need help with completing your transcript release request(s). Student will be able to login at the end of July to see their final transcript (a copy will NOT be mailed to the student).
- Admissions: By November, all public post-secondary institutions are now open to receive applications; apply on-line through EducationPlannerBC; or ApplyAlberta, OUAC, or the post-secondary institution’s website.
- ELL Students: Students may need to apply to write the IELTS or the TOEFL or the CAEL early so they will have an opportunity to write it a second time if necessary. Check the post-secondary website to review the institution’s English Language Requirement if you have not been in Canada for all of your high school education and check the deadline for your score. A few institutions will accept the Duolingo English Test, but not all.
- Application Documentation: Double check if the program you have applied for requires additional information – e.g. portfolio, letter of reference, essay, etc. Once you have been given a student number with the institution, they expect you will log in regularly to check the status of your application.
- Letter of Reference: If you require a reference letter from your teacher, coach or counsellor, please be respectful and provide them with at least 3 weeks’ notice and a copy of your Student Profile. [Request for Reference Form is available on the District Scholarship Site]
- US Applicants: US post-secondary institutions generally have an application deadline of December 1 (but some institutions have a November 1 deadline). US institutions start offering admission confirmation by January 15; therefore research early and get all your documents in order well before the deadline (e.g. you will need a transcript of your Gr. 9-12 marks and possibly a SAT or ACT score); allow a minimum of two weeks’ notice for counsellor’s report and letters of reference from the counsellor for your US application. Please do not leave this to the last minute and ask your counsellor to be writing the recommendation just before the Christmas break.
- Application:
- UBC – Personal Profile and application deadline of December 1 to be considered for scholarships.
- Be aware that institutions, like Queen’s begin making offers on December 1. The OUAC application services opened September 15.
- You are strongly encouraged to apply early if you are thinking about going to zu ot Toronto, Queen’s or McGill, or other schools in Ontario or Quebec.
- Scholarships:
- UBC Entrance Scholarships: December 1 is the deadline for applying for admission and to submit your Personal Profile:
- Queen’s University Major Entrance Award: December 1
- SFU Undergrad Scholars Entrance Scholarships: December 15
- National Portfolio Day:– Twenty-six art colleges and universities participate. This event will be held virtually this year. Check out the opportunities at
- TVR (Transcript Verification Report): Counsellors will provide Grade 12 students with a copy of your TVR. You will be asked to verify the correctness of your courses, credits, and your home mailing address. Any incorrect information needs to be reported to the Counselling Department so the Ministry of Education records can be corrected.
- Student Number(s): As you hear back from institutions, make note of the institution’s student number that is assigned to you. Once you have been accepted, the institution will give you information about your e-mail account with their institution. Regularly check your e-mail as this is how the institution will inform you that your application has been accepted. Keep a copy of your student numbers in your phone or another secure location. If you need any help applying, please see your counsellor or our career advisor.
- Scholarships:
- Apply for Major Entrance Scholarships
- Local and District Scholarship Application and the District Authority Awards Application will be available on the WGSS website the first week in December WGSS Counselling & Careers: Scholarships
- The Grad Newsletter and @GatorFutures will continue to advertise additional scholarship opportunities
- Applications:
- If you have not already applied to your post-secondary institutions of choice, you should do so now. In order to apply for scholarships, you must indicate on your application what program(s) and which institution(s) you have applied
- Be sure to have a back-up plan if you do not get into the institution(s) you applied to attend. See a counsellor or our career advisor to talk about your options
- Early Application Deadlines: Every institution has a different Early Application Deadline; some are December (e.g. UBC – December 1; and others are after Christmas: (e.g. SFU, UFV, UVIC – January 31)
- Distance Education: If you are completing a course on-line or at another location, be sure that you check the completion date requirements of the post-secondary you have applied to attend. For example, UBC generally requires the course is 100% finished with the mark reported to the Ministry of Education by February 1 for that mark to be used in your competitive admission average.
- Graduation: Ensure you are in a position to graduate (marks/courses/credits). (This would have been indicated on your TVR.)
- Post-Secondary Plans: Recheck that you have all the requirements for the program(s) you are considering
- Reminder about StudentTranscriptService: If you have not completed the online Student Transcript Service, the Ministry will not release your marks to the post-secondary institution and this may result in a delay in consideration of your application or could jeopardize an admission decision.
- Transcript: Some institutions (e.g., U of T, Queen’s) require a transcript of your first semester marks. Contact your counsellor for assistance. Please allow one week for this to be prepared electronically.
- Confirmation of Application: Check your e-mail; you will be given a student account with the institution; login into the institution’s email system to receive up-dates on the status of your application; keep checking the email account to ensure the institution has received all the required documentation and grades
- Residency: If you are wanting to live on campus, applications for housing are usually due soon after your Admissions Application; be careful you don’t miss this deadline
- Self-Report: Universities may ask you to self-report your marks by a certain date to be considered for entrance scholarships. See the Self-Report information on the WGSS Counselling Website
- Scholarships:
- Local/District Scholarship and the District Authority Award application is due before the end of February. Applications will not be considered after the deadline
- Check the WGSS Counselling and Careers Website: Scholarship Information for more information about this application and the deadline
- Self-Report Grades: Some institutions may ask you to report your second semester interim marks. Transcripts do NOT need to be mailed to the institution unless specifically requested for the program or by the admission office
- DL (Distributed Learning) Courses: If you are taking a DL course which is needed as a pre-requisite or in the calculation of your admission average, ensure you know the institution’s deadline to receive the completed DL course mark
- Scholarships:
- Many majority of entrance scholarship applications are due
- Continue to check the District Scholarship Database for other scholarship opportunities
- Campus Visit: If you and your parents have not already done so, Spring Break is a good opportunity to visit the campus and meet with an advisor
- Disability: If you have a disability, you should contact the Disability Resource Centre at the post-secondary institution. Provide them with a copy of your Psych-Ed Assessment and your IEP (Individual Learning Plan). They will discuss the supports available on campus with you. Be sure to ask about specific scholarships and bursaries you might qualify for at their institution
- StudentTranscriptService:
- Graduating students must make their PSI selections in the Student Transcripts Service (STS) by April 23 in order to have their May interim marks available to one of six B.C. PSIs, University of Alberta or University of Calgary (click link to see a list of the institutions)
- Also, 22 B.C. PSIs and the Ontario Universities’ Application Centre (OUAC) can also receive interim marks and transcript updates electronically throughout the year (when authorized by the student)
- Graduating students must have been made their PSI selections by April 30 in order for their marks to be available for the post-secondary institutions
- Offers of Admission: You will start to hear from the institutions you applied to and they will communicate through the institution’s e-mail about the status of your application.
- TVR (Transcript Verification Report): The Counselling Centre will provide you with your TVR one more time to verify the accuracy of all the information. It is very important that you ensure your home address and personal information is correct in the Ministry records. On the bottom of the May TVR you will see a list of the institutions who can access your final marks.
- Conditional Offers of Admission: You will receive notification that you have been conditionally accepted, contingent upon your final grades at the end of July. To accept the offer, you will be required to pay an admission deposit by a deadline. and you will then receive notification of your course registration date.
- WGSS / District or District Authority Award: If you have won a WGSS or District or District Authority Award, you will receive notification to come to the WGSS Scholarship Recognition Afternoon which will be the first week of June. You may bring two adult guests with you.
- Scholarships: As you receive notification that you have been awarded a scholarship, please let Ms. Kifiak (Counselling Centre) know as this information is shared as you cross the stage at the graduation ceremonies. There will also be a link in Grad News which you can use to enter this information so it is included in your stage narrative. All the WGSS /District award information will be added automatically.
- Student Loans: The BC/Canada Student Loan application is available in June at If you plan to apply for a student loan, consider working with the Financial Aid office of the institution you are planning on attending. They are very familiar with the process and can often give you an accurate estimate of what you can expect to receive.
- Confirmation of Plans: Accept your offer and pay your registration deposit; then courteously decline offer(s) from the other post-secondary institutions so your reserved spot can be given to another applicant.
- Course Registration: Work on a draft of your course schedule and course requests so that when you are able to register, you will be ready and have the greatest chance of getting the courses you would like to take. You can often find online reviews about the course/instructor.
- Course Planning Workshops/Student Orientations: The institution will provide you with opportunities to meet with an advisor and tour the campus. You can ask questions about your program. It is a good idea to take advantage of these opportunities, as it will increase your chance of success in September. Some institutions will not meet with you individually until you have been part of a small group session. It is worth meeting with an advisor to discuss your course and program requirements. This can save you time and money!
- Do your best in all of your Grade 12 classes’ right until the end of the year: All your final course marks will be reviewed by the institution in early August!
- High School is finished!!! Congratulations and good luck!
July and August (after Graduation)
- Langley Summer Session: Summer Session is free for students who are 18 years of age or younger as of July 1, should you need to repeat a course or take a course to meet an entrance requirement
- Course Registration: You will receive a date and time when you may choose your courses for the fall.
- Transcript: Your final transcript will be sent to the institution you released your marks to through the StudentTranscriptService. STS will provide you with one free copy of your transcript; you will be able to log in to see your final transcript on the STS site.
- Confirmation of Admission: You will be sent notification from the post-secondary institution confirming your offer of admission based upon the final grades on your July transcript. They will provide you with information on when and how to make your tuition payment.
- Orientation: You may wish to go to an orientation session at a post-secondary institution if you have not already done so.
September (after Graduation)
- Ministry Scholarship Recipients: In November, the Ministry announces winners of the BC Achievement Scholarship. They will provide a tuition voucher for this award and all other Ministry awards. You will then use the voucher for the second semester tuition at the institution you are attending.
November (after Graduation)
- Dogwood Diploma/Evergreen Certificate/Fral Diploma: Your diploma(s) will be available to be picked up from the Counselling Centre after October 15, 2022. We are not able to mail them to graduates each year.